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Humane Society of Northeast Iowa Code of Conduct

For Members of the HSNEI Community


At HSNEI, we strive to foster a welcoming, equitable, and inclusive environment where people and animals feel respected, accepted, supported, and valued.


  • We choose to believe the best of people, trust they have positive intentions, and seek to understand their perspectives.

  • We expect all persons speaking for HSNEI to communicate with kind, compassionate words in the shelter, at HSNEI events, and in the community.

  • We encourage HSNEI community members to approach situations with curiosity and a collaborative spirit.

  • We believe multiple perspectives and purposeful communications produce better solutions.

  • We appreciate the value and contributions of each person and animal associated with our organization.

  • While on HSNEI property, we abstain from mind-altering substances, like illegal drugs and alcohol, to ensure the best possible care for the animals and each other.

  • We strive to create a safe space for people and animals at the shelter and at HSNEI sponsored events–free from weapons, dangerous materials, and physical, verbal, and emotional violence.

  • We value social media as an effective tool to further our mission of improving quality of life for people and animals. We intentionally refrain from using it in a way that harms others.

Following the HSNEI Code of Conduct is an essential part of cultivating and strengthening a respectful, peaceful environment for animals in our care and people in our communities: providing a better quality of life for the people and animals we serve. If you have any questions about our code of conduct, please email our Executive Director at

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